Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Special Treat!

Mum cooked spaghetti bol for dinner tonight for Dad and herself, but she made a mistake! She cooked WAY too much! We boys like when Mum cooks too much of something, because we sometimes get to help eat it! We don't normally get spaghetti bol though, cos Mum says its too fatty for us (we don't think so!), but because Mum is trying to eat healthy she cooked a special version and left all the good bits out of it.

Pirate's Dinner
Normally, Mum's spaghetti bol has bacon, and red wine, and sugar in it, but this time it didn't. It had lean mince, grated carrot, mushrooms, tomato paste, chopped tomatoes, and a lot of herb-y things that we don't know what they get called.

Lucky's Dinner

Even though us boys get special dog food that comes in a big roll, and we each have special doggy biscuits that suit us (Lucky has Senior Biccies cos he's old, Pirate has Hi-Shine Coat biccies, and Monty has Weight-Management biccies), Mum thought that we might like to have some Mince with our biccies instead of the roll. She thinks that a treat each week for dinner won't hurt us, so long as we don't get TOO much. We wanted the spaghetti as well, but Mum said no because it has flour in it, and flour isn't good for Cavaliers.
Monty's Dinner

Mum took our bowls into the kitchen to serve out our dinner. We went with her to tell her how much we wanted - Mum didn't listen to us, and only gave us a little bit. We wanted our WHOLE BOWL filled up! Mum said 'DEFINITELY NO' because our dinner bowls used to belong to a Rottweiler who lived with our Pop - our Dad's Dad. Mum is going to make us  our very own Spaniel Bowls when she gets back to University, because she doesn't like the ones available in Perth. She says they're ugly. 

Lucky was so excited to get his Special Dinner
Lucky got to eat his dinner inside tonight, because Mum didn't trust Monty. Normally, Lucky gets to have his dinner on one of the lounges outside, or in the laundry, but because Monty likes to steal the other boys food (especially when its SPECIAL food!), Dad suggested that Mum give Lucky his dinner inside. He really is Lucky!

Monty tried to keep an eye on the other boys while he was eating
Monty was the first one finished, of course, and he came and stood in the doorway and watched Lucky finish his dinner. Monty HAD to check the bowl when Lucky had finished, just in case Lucky had decided to be really nice and leave some for him. He didn't.

Pirate just wanted to dig in!
Mum also told us to say sorry for not updating for a while - she's been working 6 days a week at work, and hasn't had much time to do anything. We hate it when Mum goes to work - unless Dad is home, it means we have to get locked outside, and we HATE it!

We did get to go to the Estuary the other week, and one of Mum's friends took HEAPS of photos. Mum tried to pick the photos up a heap of times, but her friend always forgot to bring them to work for her. Mum's friend is posting the photos to Mum on a disk, and when they show up Mum is going to do a special post just for them. We'll let you know all about the Estuary in that post.

We're all so full from dinner now, and about to go to sleep. Goodnight, and puppy love from Pirate, Monty, and Lucky!

PS - Thank you for all the lovely comments, and thank you for visiting our blog!


  1. Spaghetti! WOW! We don't get that very much either. Your Mums recipe sounds very much like ours - red wine, bacon....yes our Mummy has been trying to cook healthier too, but she puts onion in hers so that's why we can't have any, onions are poisonous for dogs. Jasper is on the Hills Science diet for his weight management. It's from the vet and now we both only get to eat one bowl of that a day and nothing else. Once a week we do get a pigs ear though and sometimes if Mummy's not looking (or we think she's not) the kids sneak us some of their food, even crackers which are very bad for us because of the flour in them. Thanks A LOT for telling our Mummy about that - she didn't know about the flour and NOW we won't even get crackers anymore. Next time....sssshhhhh....don't talk so much about what we can't eat okay...us Cavaliers like to get away with something LOL! Only joking. We loved your post - love those HUGE bowls too.

  2. Oh i want to see the spaniel bowls if you ever do them. I'd love to be able to make those.

  3. Sounds like you got a special treat tonight! I would love to have spaniel bowls, but they are expensive here. Making them myself would be awesome! Hope we get to see some pics of yours when they are done.

  4. Just a Note from Mum - its not the flour so much as the gluten that is harmfull. Plain crackers (or small pieces of) isn't so bad on occasion, but shouldn't be a regular treat.

    From the Boys - Thanks for the comments! Mum will of course show everyone our spaniel bowls when she finishes them - she just has to make them first!

    We're sorry for telling about the flour. It's not as bad as onions and other stuff - there's pasta in canned dog food, and even some of our special meat rolls, Mum sneaks us little pieces of crackers every now and then too, but just not very much.

  5. Boy am I jealous of you guys! All I get is dried kibble! I wish I could get some spaghetti, the closest thing I get to human food is bacon treats. You look like you all enjoyed your special dinner a lot. Lucky sure is a spunky boy! But it looks like Pirate and Monty can hold their own as well!

    Glad you guys got to go to the Estuary, looking forward to seeing your pictures!~
